Website Design & Digital Marketing

Website Design

Our goal is to make the website design process as easy as possible for you by developing a website with quality content, an elegant layout, and intuitive navigation.

Marketing Excellence will create a beautiful, useful, content rich website that contributes to your brand image. We focus on generating high traffic and having visitors stay longer leading to more conversions for your business. 

Website Storyboarding
responsive design UX website on devices

Responsive Website Design

Today, more than 50% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. Marketing Excellence will implement responsive web designs that are compatible with any screen size. 

Our website designs are 100% responsive. Your website will adjust and provide the best visitor experience for mobile phones, tablets and desktop browsers.


If your online strategy requires e-commerce, we will create an elegant, easy to navigate and secure web store.

Marketing Excellence will showcase your products and services with attractive visuals and descriptions that stimulate action by your web store visitors.

Abandon carts and non-sale visits should not be ignored. We will integrate email marketing to encourage a store revisit and a purchase. 

We’ll use web security tools to protect all money transfers and the personal information of your customers. All e-commerce functionality will be accessible to you so you can monitor and control your transactions. 

Website Design for Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Using SEO best practices, Marketing Excellence will help your site move up in the search results. Our proven keyword research, selection and analysis methods will attract new customers and qualified traffic to your website.

In addition to using key words, readability is needed to improve search ranking. A well-written, professional website drives traffic, encourages visitors to stay longer, and improves search rankings.

Website Security, Maintenance, & Updates

updates, maintenance, security of website

Marketing Excellence prioritizes your website’s security through multiple backups and comprehensive security measures to block
malicious actors and malware.

Website design software and technology is constantly evolving and improving. We conduct routine maintenance of your website to ensure it is running smoothly and efficiently.

After the copy is written, the design is done, and your website is published, its important to keep your website design, content, and technology up-to-date. Marketing Excellence will make regularly scheduled updates to the content, design and security ensuring your site looks its best and continues working at its best. 

updates, maintenance, security of website